Do Hunter-Harassment Laws Violate Freedom of Expression?
In DRI's September 2018 Young Lawyers Committee newsletter, LLG Associate Meredith Donaldson writes about hunter-harassment laws and how courts grapple with First Amendment issues.

Hunting has been a part of American culture for centuries, and because of its enormous popularity, many state legislatures have passed laws designed to ensure public safety when those opposed to hunting challenge hunter activity.

In DRI’s September 2018 Young Lawyers Committee newsletter, Raising the Bar, Laffey, Leitner & Goode LLC Associate Meredith Donaldson writes about hunter-harassment laws and how courts grapple with First Amendment issues.

Donaldson was hired by LLG in July 2018. She’s a graduate of Marquette University School of Law.

The article is available to read here.

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